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    optimizing plan design in the investment menu  plansponsor
    Publisher: PLANSPONSOR

    optimizing plan design in the investment menu plansponsor

    Experts discuss the trends of streamlining the investment menu and adding lifetime income options. 
    Experts discuss the trends of streamlining the investment menu and adding lifetime income options. 

    Tags: retirement income, investment options, plan design

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  • Citation Logo
    secure 2-0 act impact 8 mandatory changes for 401k plans in 2024

    secure 2-0 act impact 8 mandatory changes for 401k plans in 2024

    Employers can "match" contributions for student loan payments to 401(k)s or offer auto-enrollment in an emergency savings account for participants, who could make contributions up to $2,500.
    Employers can "match" contributions for student loan payments to 401(k)s or offer auto-enrollment in an emergency savings account for participants, who could make contributions up to $2,500.

    Tags: secure 2.0, plan design

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  • Citation Logo
    Publisher: Principal

    why are employees not participating in their 401ks

    Tackling three roadblocks to retirement plan participation
    Tackling three roadblocks to retirement plan participation

    Tags: participant behavior, plan design, participation rates

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  • Citation Logo
    IRS Proposes New LTPTE Regulations for 401(k)s
    Publisher: 401(k) Specialist

    IRS Proposes New LTPTE Regulations for 401(k)s

    The IRS has issued proposed guidelines for a SECURE Act rule change regarding long-term, part-time employee participation in 401(k) plans.
    The IRS has issued proposed guidelines for a SECURE Act rule change regarding long-term, part-time employee participation in 401(k) plans.

    Tags: legislation, secure 2.0, plan design, long term part time, plan administration

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  • Citation Logo
    Publisher: The Wagner Law Group | The Wagner Law Group

    Prepare for Upcoming Changes to Defined Contribution Plans Long-Term, Part-Time Employees

    Blog: Prepare for Upcoming Changes to Defined Contribution Plans Long-Term, Part-Time Employees | The Wagner Law Group is a boutique law firm handling ERISA & Employee Benefits legal matters.
    Blog: Prepare for Upcoming Changes to Defined Contribution Plans Long-Term, Part-Time Employees | The Wagner Law Group is a boutique law firm handling ERISA & Employee Benefits legal matters.

    Tags: participant communication, secure 2.0, plan design, long term part time, plan administration

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  • Citation Logo
    Plan Design
    Publisher: PLANSPONSOR

    Plan Design

    Retirement plan design addresses much more than retirement saving—today’s vehicles may offer options ranging from emergency funds, student loan matches and retirement income strategies. What plan design option would best fit your workplace? 
    Retirement plan design addresses much more than retirement saving—today’s vehicles may offer options ranging from emergency funds, student loan matches and retirement income strategies. What plan design option would best fit your workplace? 

    Tags: plan design, 401k, retirement plan options

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  • Citation Logo
    Publisher: Capital Group

    Auto features: Friend or foe?

    "Thoughtful" 401(k) auto-features can help boost participants’ retirement savings and strengthen their retirement readiness.
    "Thoughtful" 401(k) auto-features can help boost participants’ retirement savings and strengthen their retirement readiness.

    Tags: automatic features, plan design, behavioral finance

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  • Citation Logo
    Are Brokerage Windows an Effective Way of Limiting Fiduciary Risk After Hughes v. Northwestern?
    Publisher: The Wagner Law Group | The Wagner Law Group

    Are Brokerage Windows an Effective Way of Limiting Fiduciary Risk After Hughes v. Northwestern?

    In Hughes v. Northwestern University, 142 S.Ct. 737 (January 24, 2022), the Supreme Court held that fiduciaries to self-directed defined contribution retirement savings plans are responsible for determining the prudence of all investment alternatives...
    In Hughes v. Northwestern University, 142 S.Ct. 737 (January 24, 2022), the Supreme Court held that fiduciaries to self-directed defined contribution retirement savings plans are responsible for determining the prudence of all investment alternatives...

    Tags: investment options, plan design, sdb, self directed brokerage

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  • Citation Logo
    Defensive Plan Provisions Designed to Prevent ERISA Lawsuits
    Publisher: Hall Benefits Law

    Defensive Plan Provisions Designed to Prevent ERISA Lawsuits

    3 retirement plan provisions plan sponsors may consider to help protect against ERISA violations issues...  These defensive provisions can include claims procedure requirements, plan limitation periods, mandatory arbitration clauses, and class...
    3 retirement plan provisions plan sponsors may consider to help protect against ERISA violations issues...  These defensive provisions can include claims procedure requirements, plan limitation periods, mandatory arbitration clauses, and class...

    Tags: plan design, plan provisions

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  • Citation Logo
    New Developments in Managed Accounts
    Publisher: PLANSPONSOR

    New Developments in Managed Accounts

    Lower fees, more accessibility for participants and new distribution methods might make managed accounts worth a new look for employers who sponsor defined contribution plans.
    Lower fees, more accessibility for participants and new distribution methods might make managed accounts worth a new look for employers who sponsor defined contribution plans.

    Tags: investment options, plan design, managed accounts

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  • Citation Logo
    Reevaluating 3 Key Components of 401k Plan Design to Make a Difference
    Publisher: 401K Specialist

    Reevaluating 3 Key Components of 401k Plan Design to Make a Difference

    For plan sponsors willing to revisit and reimagine their approach to the core components of DC plan design, the impact on their employees’ retirement can be profound.
    For plan sponsors willing to revisit and reimagine their approach to the core components of DC plan design, the impact on their employees’ retirement can be profound.

    Tags: plan design, employee experience

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  • Citation Logo
    Considerations to Help DC Plan Sponsors Regroup for the New Year
    Publisher: PLANSPONSOR

    Considerations to Help DC Plan Sponsors Regroup for the New Year

    Mercer says delving into participant data and keeping up with new product offerings, legislation and regulations can help plan sponsors improve their retirement programs in 2022.
    Mercer says delving into participant data and keeping up with new product offerings, legislation and regulations can help plan sponsors improve their retirement programs in 2022.

    Tags: participant outcomes, retirement readiness, plan design

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  • Citation Logo
    Increasing DC Plan Default Deferral Rates a Better Driver of Higher Savings
    Publisher: PLANSPONSOR

    Increasing DC Plan Default Deferral Rates a Better Driver of Higher Savings

    Could increasing the default savings rate be a best practice to help boost new participants’ retirement savings? See the research and outcomes here.
    Could increasing the default savings rate be a best practice to help boost new participants’ retirement savings? See the research and outcomes here.

    Tags: retirement readiness, plan design, deferral rates

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  • Citation Logo
    Considerations for Implementing a Phased Retirement Program
    Publisher: PLANSPONSOR

    Considerations for Implementing a Phased Retirement Program

    What exactly is a phased retirement program? The 401(k) Plan Sponsor Question of the Week, answered!
    What exactly is a phased retirement program? The 401(k) Plan Sponsor Question of the Week, answered!

    Tags: plan design, phased retirement

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  • Citation Logo
    DC Specialists and Their Value to Plan Sponsors
    Publisher: PLANSPONSOR

    DC Specialists and Their Value to Plan Sponsors

    Trends in the plan sponsor and defined contribution plan scene - an insightful study.
    Trends in the plan sponsor and defined contribution plan scene - an insightful study.

    Tags: survey, plan design, statistics, value add

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  • Citation Logo
    To Attract and Retain
    Publisher: PLANSPONSOR

    To Attract and Retain

    In a competitive employment environment, a strong retirement plan is key to attract and retain top talent.
    In a competitive employment environment, a strong retirement plan is key to attract and retain top talent.

    Tags: plan design, recruiting and retention

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  • Citation Logo
    Publisher: Fiduciary Decisions Insights

    Behavior Drives Outcomes: Learn how to enhance plans to drive retirement success

    Did you know that savings rates are 56% higher in plans with automatic enrollment?[1] There are a lot of plan elements that have a big impact on how your plan sponsors guide participants towards saving – learn how to emphasize them in your plans an...
    Did you know that savings rates are 56% higher in plans with automatic enrollment?[1] There are a lot of plan elements that have a big impact on how your plan sponsors guide participants towards saving – learn how to emphasize them in your plans an...

    Tags: participant behavior, automatic features, plan design, behavioral finance

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  • Citation Logo
    Publisher: MarketWatch

    Is it time to ditch target-date funds in your 401(k)?

    A managed account makes sense for some investors -- especially midcareer
    A managed account makes sense for some investors -- especially midcareer

    Tags: investment options, plan design, additional benefit, target date investments

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