Rethinking Aging and Retirement

Can you imagine living to age 120! Wow, what an amazing opportunity. While this number may not be medically possible for another 40 years, most adults want to live longer than the current median life span of 78.7 years, according to the Living to 120 and Beyond: Americans’ Views on Aging, Medical Advances and Radical Life Extension by the Pew Research Center.

Some 69 percent of adults surveyed by Pew want to hit age 90 and they are “generally optimistic as they look toward their own futures, including old age.” As our life expectancy pushes out, it’s not surprising to see people consider how and when they retire. This month, I delve into a growing trend toward phased retirement in Changing Attitudes Alter Retirement

Yet despite this new outlook on easing into retirement, many employees would rather think about current pleasures than prepare for their own retirement readiness. Read Forget about the Numbers and Envision the Future for ideas on how you can have participants spending as much time planning for retirement as they do their vacations!

Your management team can also help you promote and support your retirement plan, but they need to show genuine interest and knowledge. In Engage Employees with Actions I review five strategies for encouraging and utilizing leadership support.

Enjoy Back-to-School time, plus let’s work toward securing financial independence for all your participants!

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