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  • Hughes v. Northwestern University: Lessons for Retirement Committees and Other Fiduciaries
    Publisher: The National Law Review

    Hughes v. Northwestern University: Lessons for Retirement Committees and Other Fiduciaries

    Important lessons from recent ERISA lawsuit. Retirement committee members and other fiduciaries should implement these 3 best practices.
    Important lessons from recent ERISA lawsuit. Retirement committee members and other fiduciaries should implement these 3 best practices.

    Tags: best practices, fiduciary, erisa, lawsuits

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  • 401(k) Fee Lawsuits Highlight Fiduciary Gaps
    Publisher: 401kTV

    401(k) Fee Lawsuits Highlight Fiduciary Gaps

    401(k) fee lawsuits over investment fees continue to proliferate.  Planadviser has reported that Northern Trust Corporation and Northern Trust
    401(k) fee lawsuits over investment fees continue to proliferate.  Planadviser has reported that Northern Trust Corporation and Northern Trust

    Tags: fees, lawsuits

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